21/04/97 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 05/05/77
Qualifications of souls who are best owers of blessings, great donors and donors.
Baba, the Bestower of Blessings, is seeing His children who are bestowers of blessings, great donors and donors. Those who have made themselves complete with all treasures are the children who are bestowers of blessings. Those who haven’t made themselves complete with all treasures, but who have accumulated a little something, according to their capacity, are the children who are great donors. Those who haven’t accumulated anything at all, but who were given something, who took that something and gave it away to others as soon as they received it, are the souls who are donors. These are the souls who do not accumulate anything, but who earn something, use some of it and donate the rest. Baba was seeing these three types of children.
The children who are bestowers of blessings, through the treasures they have accumulated, that is, through their own power, virtues and the treasures of knowledge, make weak souls powerful by giving them courage, the power of enthusiasm, the treasures of happiness and the power of their cooperation through their blessings. The great donors become instruments to inspire weak souls to make effort by showing them yuktis to make effort and to have zeal and enthusiasm. The great donors become instruments to put power into weak souls by reminding them. These souls are not able to cooperate by giving their own power, but become instruments to show the clear path. They become the guides on the path and show how something should be done. The children who are donors become instruments to attract other souls towards the Father by speaking of whatever they heard, liked and experienced. However, they cannot become the great donors who can show the clear path or make others elevated by giving them the cooperation of their own powers. The first number are those who give their cooperation. The second number are those who guide you along the path, and the third are those who point out the path to you. Now check which one out of the three you are because you have to realise yourself. Who has to realise? The self; self realisation. This course you are doing now will enable you to liberate yourself from any weaknesses that still remain.
Just as Baba is the Liberator, so too, children are master liberators. However, only when you first become liberators for the self will you be able to liberate others and stabilise them in the stage of selfrespect of their original form and original land. In today’s environment, every soul is under the influence of one or another type of bondage. Souls in all four directions are wanting to free themselves from being influenced by the many types of bondage, sorrow and peacelessness. They are influenced by suffering through their body, influenced by relations, by desires, by sorrow of their sorrowful sanskars and nature, influenced by the sorrow of not finding God and wandering and stumbling in peacelessness. Some are distressed because of not having a clear aim in life, whereas others are leading their lives just like animals who eat, drink and spend their life without contentment. Some make spiritual endeavour, renounce everything, study, attain their destination and yet are influenced by the sorrow of people calling out and crying in distress. In terms of all souls being your brothers, do you not feel mercy seeing them in this state of sorrow? Are you able to see that souls leading a life of sorrow are not receiving any support from anywhere? Are you able to see this or are you too busy with your own self?
In lokik life, your life during childhood and time of study is for your own self. After that, your time is for your creation, that is, it is the time when you have responsibility for others. In alokik life also, you first made effort to make yourself strong; now, as world benefactors, your time is for the souls of the world and for your close family. Souls of the entire world are your family because all of you are the children of the unlimited Father, and so you are part of the unlimited family. Do you not feel mercy for your family? So, now, become merciful. Become master creators. Do not just be selfbenefactors, but also become world benefactors. Become a master sun of knowledge, and through the powers you have accumulated, through your treasures of knowledge, your attitude, vision and awareness, that is, through your good wishes and pure feelings, and through the virtues you have imbibed in your practical life, through the rays of all these spiritual endeavours, finish peacelessness. Just as the sun is in one place and yet finishes the darkness everywhere with its rays, so too, become a master sun of knowledge and have mercy on souls who are experiencing sorrow.
Have a balance between the self and service. Do not forget the self and do not forget doing world service. How long does it take to go around the whole world? You are the children of the Master of the World, and so become a master and go around the world. Since you are able to tour the three worlds, it isn’t a big thing to go around the world. In the early days the worthy kings always used to tour their kingdom and kept their subjects happy and content. From whom did they learn all of this? The foundation of all the customs and systems is the period of the confluence age, and Brahmins are the residents of the confluence age. This is why, even now, people invite brahmin priests to carry out particular customs and systems. The kings learnt these systems from you. Therefore, you, who teach them, must definitely be able to do it yourselves. So, become master creators and look after the world. Do you understand what you have to do? Now let go of the carelessness of childhood and use your time and powers for service in a worthwhile way. Achcha.
To those who constantly use all treasures in a worthwhile way; to those who maintain a balance of the selfservice and service of the world; to the master suns of knowledge, the constantly merciful souls who constantly have feelings and wishes of cooperation; to such elevated souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
Do you tour the world? How long does it take you? The more divine someone’s intellect is, the faster the intellect works, because its speed is based on its divinity. The speed at which an aeroplane flies is based on how much power it has. Here too, the more divinity someone has, the more cleanliness there is, that is, it is twice refined. To the extent that someone’s intellect is divine, the faster its speed will be. You will then be able to tour the world very clearly in one second because it is from here that you have to fill yourself with the sanskars of making everyone content, that is, of enabling everyone to have all attainments. Only then will you become a world emperor with nothing lacking in your kingdom. Everyone will be constantly content and an embodiment of all attainments. Where and when do you fill yourself with these sanskars? Here, at this time. The time of the memorial of touring the world is also very important. The time of dusk is known as the time when deities tour the world. How was this memorial created? It is because you put this into practice that, even now, your memorial is eternally continuing. This is the time of dusk; it is the time of transformation since this is the age of transformation. So, the memorial of the age of transformation is remembered at the time of transformation. The more you tour around as a ruler of the globe, the more the sound will spread in all directions. “We have seen the light, we have seen angels walking here”. This sound will spread and people will go to search for the light and the angels and wonder where the light and the angels have come from. Just as Baba became an instrument for the sake of granting visions, so too, at the end, the father as well as the children have to be instrumental. It will be like seeing a dream whilst awake, just as you might see a scene suddenly in a dream. Only when they experience this will the scientists come close to know and understand this wonderful divine game. You will see and hear about such divine activity in just a short time. However, only when you first tour around the world will you see them. How could you see it otherwise? Whilst just sitting somewhere, many people will experience rays coming from a distance; that the rays came, awakened something in them and went away again. For this, wherever you may be, become an image of perfection and use your time and powers for service. Whilst you are sitting at home, everyone will come running, searching for you. Achcha.
What is the easy method to remove weaknesses? Surrender to the Father whatever enters your thoughts. Whatever comes in front of you, put that in front of Baba and give the responsibility to the Father and you will become free. Simply have the determined thought: I belong to Baba and Baba belongs to me. When you say, “Baba is mine”, you have a right over something that belongs to you, do you not? If you stabilise yourself in the form of one with all rights, all dependency automatically finishes. Check that you are constantly in the stage of one who has all rights. Have you made it firm that you are a child of the Master of the World? A child is a master. I am a master almighty authority who, like the Father, has all rights over all powers. Constantly revise and realise this awareness, and you will constantly experience yourself to be a master almighty authority. Intense effortmakers will never get tired due to any reason. They will find a solution for whatever situation comes in front of them and will continue to move forward. You are very lucky that you have won the lottery to become a Brahmin within the Brahmin family. Only a handful out of multimillions win this lottery. No matter what happens or what comes in front of you, you must not come to a standstill or step back. By having the one faith and the one support that you have to reach your destination, it is guaranteed that you will definitely reach your destination. It is the children’s duty to have this determination and Baba’s duty to make sure you reach there.
Do you constantly experience yourself to be a companion who is constantly with the Father? When the Almighty Authority Himself has become your Companion, what would the consequence of that be? That you would be constantly victorious. What do people on the path of bhakti say when any obstacle comes to them? Give me Your company for just one second and I will become free from obstacles. However, at this time, with knowledge, you have the constant company of the Father, and so, those who are constant companions of the Father are constantly free from obstacles. And those who are free from obstacles will constantly remain happy. Obstacles make your happiness disappear. If master almighty authorities become distressed by obstacles, what will happen to all the other poor people? So, those who are master almighty authorities can never be distressed.
Do not look at anyone’s sanskars or nature. Instead of that, look at your own original and eternal sanskars and nature and look at Baba’s nature and sanskars. If you have the habit of listening but not listening, then you will not fluctuate, but will pass. What is the easiest aspect to understand through which you will constantly experience this to be an easy path? The easy aspect is to always give all your responsibilities to the Father. It is easy to give the responsibility to the Father. Make yourself light and you will never find the path to be difficult. You only find it difficult when you become tired or confused. When you give all the responsibility to the Father, you become an angel. Do angels ever get tired? It is only when you are not able to do this simple thing that you find everything difficult. By mistake, you take the burden of little responsibilities upon yourself, and you therefore find everything to be difficult. On the path of bhakti, you used to say: Give everything to Rama. Now that the time to give everything has come, why do you still keep it with yourself? “My nature, my sanskars”. Where did this, “mine”, come from? When, “mine”, finishes, you become a conqueror of attachment. When all attachment is finished, you become an embodiment of awareness. By giving everything to the Father, you become constantly happy and light. Be generoushearted in giving to the Father. If you continue to hold onto old rubbish, you will become ill.
The sign of having faith in the intellect is to remain constantly carefree. Those who are carefree will be constant and stable, they will never fluctuate. They will remain stable. No matter what happens, do not think about anything. Do not get caught up with “Why? What?” etc. Be trikaldarshi and remain carefree. There is benefit in every step. Even something in which there is only loss visible, benefit is merged in that too; you simply have to look deeply by being introverted. There can never be any loss or harm for Brahmins, because you are holding the hand of the Benefactor Father. He will change loss or harm into benefit for you. Therefore, constantly remain carefree.
Are all of you constantly content? Only those who are constantly content are able to remain close to the Father. Contentment is the method of constantly remaining close to the Father. If there isn’t contentment, you are constantly far away from the Father. No matter what happens, let the past be the past and continue to move along with the power of discrimination and you will constantly remain content.
Constantly continue to check the treasures you have received from the Father to see which treasures you have accumulated and which are still missing. Time is the greatest treasure of all. Knowledge is a treasure, powers and divine virtues are also treasures. Only when you have accumulated all the treasures will you be said to be complete. Do not be content that you have all treasures, but do you have enough that you, yourself, are able to use them and also make others complete with them? Maya will come to you in the form of whatever weakness you have, because Maya is very clever. Therefore, continue to accumulate all treasures. Do not allow yourself to become empty. Achcha.
Blessing: May you be a destroyer of obstacles who finishes all the obstacles of the world by being complete with all powers. Those who are complete with all powers can become the destroyers of obstacles. No obstacle can come to those who are destroyers of obstacles. However, if you are lacking any particular power, you cannot become a destroyer of obstacles. Therefore, check that you are complete with the stock of all powers. Maintain the awareness and intoxication that all powers are your inheritance: I am a master almighty authority and no obstacle will be able to remain.
Slogan: In order to have a right to all virtues and all powers, become obedient.
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